Friday, January 14, 2011


            "Imagination is more important than knowledge". This is a very familiar quotation coming from famous physicist Albert Einstein.Just how many earthly souls believe this? Which is more important an individual with lots of  'imagination', but lacking knowledge? Or an individual with creative imagination? Both seems to 'compliment' each other although If I've to make a choice, I would choose both.Why? Well,its imagination which visualizes how certain things ought to appear. Its imagination which  comes up first  into the mind of a person. Its imagination which first gives an individual an 'impression' on how such an idea will look like. Knowledge? Yes, of course, everyone doesn't want to think creatively without a 'prior' knowledge of how certain things, ideas,or abstractness will look like. Knowledge coupled with imagination can make one's idea go skyrocketing to the moon! Though,  most invention are supported by learned knowledge, yet, its the imagination that fuels the fire of any ideas giving it a complete,or,even incomplete 'form' of such pre-conceived ideas. Does a mathematician and arm chair philosopher merely content of their 'head knowledge' without giving their imaginative faculty to work on so as to visualize its form,or its outcome? Just how much knowledge does a man of science, man of number, or even, an average intelligence human being have to invest epistemologically speaking so as to make sure that what he,or she think is very much conceivable? Well, that depends on how much head knowledge he, or she possesses. The greater the knowledge (facts, ideas) the lesser will one have to invest extra effort in his, or her quest to create, discover, or say, solve specific problems at hand. But of course, all of these must be supported by one's imagination so as to see one's  conceived ideas will work. I guess, I just said something little about inquisitiveness which is normal to any human species. But is important to any individual who wanted to see but know the real world around him,or her.


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